Fireplace Tools

Items on this page appear here as a portfolio of my work.
If you are interested in a piece shown here or have a specific
design in mind please contact me.

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Fireplace doors with screen and oak leaves and acorn details.


Glass fireplace doors. Arched fireplace in a 1928 tudor.


Fireplace screen
About 60" wide and 36" tall
Opens in the center


Glass fireplace doors
About 46" across the front,22" deep and 26" tall.
Side panel is fixed in place, Lacquer finish.
The fire tools were also part of this project. The broom
was made by students at Berea College, Berea, Kentucky.

12001 and 7054

Fireplace tools with stands
These brooms are hand tied by Brooms by Henry
These handles are braided fron 5/16" round mild steel
the tools are typically 28" in length
Lacquer finish

12015 and 10041

Fireplace tools
cantilevered arm stand and round three leg stand

7071 and 4028